Your Voucher

We are pleased to announce that your fees have been fully sponsored for
Vibrant Ramadhan 2022!

You do not have to make any payment and for those who have registered,
please check your email for the class details after the 28th March 2022.

To our dear sponsors

May Allah bless you with beneficial knowledge, and increase you in your halal provisions, Ameen.

With the knowledge you have been given, you have learned that giving your money to help Muslims will not decrease your wealth. You are among a minority, who does not hesitate to give a big portion of your wealth that Allah has given you, to help those who are looking to get closer to Allah.

We pray to Allah that you are rewarded for every letter that will be recited this Ramadhan from every single student who will enter Vibrant Ramadhan, without decreasing in the students’ rewards, Allahuma Ameen.