4 day course
6-8 hours /session
Max 30 students
Financial Assistance Available
12 classes, 2x a week
2 hours /session
Max 10 students
Financial Assistance Available
It consists of 3 major topics which are Makhraj, Tajwid Rules, and Characteristics of the Letters. These topics have been broken down into bite-size pieces making it easier for you to apply to your recitation, from Purple onwards in-sha-Allah.
- have never learned Tajwid; or
- have forgotten Tajwid; or
- want to strengthen your Tajwid
for you!
The sessions were fruitful and great. The most valuable take-away for me from this program is Tajwid is simple and interesting subject to be learnt as long as a person has the willingness to learn. This course has tremendously helped me refresh the Tajwid rulings in a very simple and interesting way. The Tajweed Made Easy E-Book that was provided and the method of teaching by the teacher were really fruitful and amazing, Alhamdulillah! The fact that you are able to learn the subject from the comfort of your home, made it more convenient. This course will definitely benefit beginners and anyone who wishes to refresh their understanding on Tajwid, In shaa Allah.
I’ve learnt the importance of reading Qur’an with proper guidance and for the first time, I could feel the Qur’an letters speaking to me. From the first day, I had so many questions about the course, whether I would be able to understand it virtually, to cope with the timings and more. I was looking forward to the next classes to learn more and more, this proves that Allah wants to fill our hearts with knowledge of the Deen. I got used to the WizIQ app instantly and had no issues in understanding the lessons. The teacher was kind to make sure we understood every bit through detailed explanation. Jazakallahu khairan to the Academy.
I learned the basics of tajwid back when I was in school. I do remember some of them but mostly I can’t remember anymore. Alhamdulillah, this course has benefited me a lot. It was easy to grasp, even for those who have no tajwid basics. Now, I understand the rulings more than before. I am able to apply and practise them, Alhamdulillah. This course can really help us in improving and perfecting our Qur’an recitation, In shaa Allah.
The teaching method was very good and easy to understand. The most valuable take-away for me is I can understand the Madd rulings (Mudud) better as that was my weakness. The teacher was very professional and committed, Mashaa Allah. I have learned Tajwid before with others but I do not remember much, SubhanAllah. I am very happy as now I can close my eyes and remember the rules of Tajwid. I would tell everyone that Tajwid is a must learn course. We make so many mistakes when we read the Qur’an, it is highly encouraged to study Tajwid so we can read like the way of the Prophet sall-Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
The teaching method was very good. Lesson was simple and not overloaded. I had learnt Tajweed before but I am really glad to learn it in details in this course. The teacher was patient, helpful and never get annoyed even when we asked her the same questions a few times, may Allah reward her.
The teaching method was very efficient mashaAllah. I understood the Tajweed rules Alhamdulilah and this was the most valuable take-away from this program. It was the first time doing a Tajweed course, so I find it very beneficial.
The teaching method was very understandable and through the examples and analogies, I was able to understand everything. The most valuable take-away for me was to be taught by Sheikha Wafaa herself and benefit from her knowledge and experience. The course made me love the Tajweed theory even more. I would encourage everyone to learn Tajweed because words cannot describe the satisfaction if one is able to recite the words of Allah the way they were revealed to our beloved prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him.
The teaching method was very effective and really interactive. I had no knowledge tajweed before. The course syllabus covered everything in a neat, detailed and highly effective manner, where i didn’t feel lost or left out even though i didn’t enroll myself in the recitation class. The interactions we had and the practices we did together in the class made it more fun to learn and was very encouraging to apply as well. i would definitely encourage others to join the same.